Third grade is an amazing year. You will learn...
How to write 5 paragraph essays (Opinion, Informative, and Narrative)
How to write in cursive!
How to read a story and identify characters, plot, and setting.
How to use text features to find important information.
How to find the main idea and key details in a story or text.
How to ask and answer questions using text evidence.
How to multiply and divide.
How to use fractions.
How to interpret graphs, charts, and data.
How to solve two step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
How to find the area and perimeter of shapes.
The science of light and sound!
How the sun impacts Earth's systems.
The structure and function of plants and animals on earth.
How energy flows from the sun to all organisms on earth!
Social Studies:
How Arizona has been transformed from prehistoric times to now!
Mrs. Simpson
5th year teaching third grade at Mountain Shadows
Miss Berretta
10th year in Education, 3rd year at Mountain Shadows