Mrs. Sparks
Welcome to our classroom of leaders!
- About the Teacher
- Daily Schedule
- Helpful Websites
- Parent Information
- Academic Focus
- Reward and Consequences
About the Teacher
Welcome to kindergarten at Mountain Shadows Elementary! ! I am looking forward to a fantastic year full of learning! I can't wait to meet you!
I graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis on Early Childhood. I have taught 22 years.
I love teaching and I love making learning fun! My goal every year is to create lifelong learners that search for answers to their own questions. Learning doesn't stop when the school day ends!
Email: Mrs. Sparks
Daily Schedule
Helpful Websites
Parent Information
Mrs. Sparks Room 106
Email: Cherise Sparks
Communication: Please make sure the office has your most updated phone and email information. Communication sent through email is sent through the school system. We will also go through this system for phone numbers, so it is very important that this stays updated.
Daily Folder: Your child will have a folder that he/she brings to and from school. Please make sure to check your child’s folder daily and put it back into his/her backpack. This folder will include papers to stay at home and papers that may need to be returned.
Homework: Each week, homework will go home with activities to practice during the week. This homework is not required, but is good practice and a chance to see what your child is learning. These can be turned in on Monday for a reward. In addition please continue to read with your child at home and practice the sight word lists. Each night it is recommended that you read 15-20 minutes to and with your student.
Behavior Calendar: Each month, a behavior calendar will be stapled inside your child’s take home folder. Your child will receive a green, yellow, or red face to reflect your child’s choices that day. If there is a red face, your child will also receive a grow note.
Glow/Grow Communication: Throughout the year, I will send home Glow notes in your child’s folder. This is to let you know of something positive your child did that day. If there is a behavior issue, I will send home a Grow note with details of the behavior. Please make sure you sign these glow/grow notes and send them back in your child’s folder.
Family Projects: Each month, I will be sending home Family Projects with your child. I’ll ask you to help your child decorate the shape for each month. Some months have specific ways to decorate, and some months allow for free expression. I will be sending the projects home with a direction sheet at the beginning of each month with a “due” date on the direction sheet, but your child is more than welcome to turn them in earlier. These are displayed in the kindergarten hallway.
Snack: I would like to promote healthy eating in class so we will have healthy snack time during the beginning of our recess. Students are not expected to bring a snack but it is a daily option if you choose for them to have a snack. Please do not send in any peanut products. Here are some suggestions: cheese with pretzels, banana and yogurt, pita and hummus, chips and salsa, baby carrots and ranch, pears with cottage cheese, fruit and yogurt smoothie, apples, tomatoes and cucumber, crackers and cheese.
Water Bottles: Students may bring a bottle of water for school. Please do not let your child freeze it before bringing it to school. It causes a distraction during class time. It might be a good idea to cover the water bottle with a sock to keep things dry and write his/her name on the bottle as well.
Transportation: Please make sure I have accurate information on how your child goes home every day. If you are picking up your child early, you must present your ID to the office and your child will be called to the office to leave.
Label Everything: Please label everything your child brings to school with a permanent marker. This will help me return these “lost & found” items to the proper student.
Extra Change in Clothing: Please send a change of clothes for your child. Please place it in a Ziploc bag with his/her name written on the outside. This bag will stay in his/her backpack. This change of clothes can be used in case of an accident, spill at lunch, mud on the playground, etc.
Dress Code: Students need to dress in comfortable clothing for work or play. Please keep in mind that your child may be painting, playing with playdough, etc. during the day. No flip-flops please!
School Hours: School hours are 8:45 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Please make sure your child is on time to school. Please contact the office to let them know if your child is going to be absent. The attendance line is 623-445-4390.
Volunteer Information: Volunteering can be anything from donating materials, chaperoning field trips, or copying for me! If you are interested in volunteering, I would love to have you! If you are planning on attending class parties or attending field trips, you must attend the Volunteer Training offered through the district. If you have already taken it, you do not need to take it again.
Please refer to the district website for training dates and information:
Weekly Information: I will email a newsletter each Monday with information about what we are learning in class, important upcoming dates, and any donations needed. Please make sure the front office has your updated email address.
Academic Focus
• Understand features of print: left to right, top to bottom • ID the parts of a book • Name and write upper and lower case letters and sounds
• Rhyme identification and production
• Break words into syllables
• Isolate & substitute beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words • Long and short vowel sounds
• Read high frequency words
• Read emergent level text for purpose and understanding
• Answer questions about and retell stories
• ID character, setting, and major events in a story
• ID author and illustrators roles
• Compare stories
• Spell simple words phonetically
• Write a variety of stories ranging from research papers to personal narratives • Write multiple sentences with proper spacing, capitalization, punctuation and meaningful content
• Recognize appropriate uses for nouns and verbs and use singular and plural correctly
• Use inflections and affixes correctly (-ed, -ing, un-, -pre-, etc.)
• Count to 100 by ones and tens
• Count on from a given number
• Write numbers 0-30
• Represent a number of objects with a written number & count to answer how many
• Understand counting means one more and represent that with numbers and objects
• ID if a group of object is greater than, less than, or equal to another group
• Addition and subtraction word problems within 10
• Take apart numbers to 10 in more than one way
• Find the number to make 10 when given a number
• Add and subtract fluently within 10
• Put together and take apart numbers up to 19 (18=8+10)
• Understand the concept of tens & ones
• Describe/compare/contrast measurable features of objects
• Put objects into categories and sort those categories by count
• Name shapes no matter the orientation
• Use terms of position: below, beside, etc
• ID 2 and 3 dimensional shapes
• Use language to describe shapes similarities and differences (corners, vertices, sides, etc)
• Create & model shapes in environment and in other shapes
Reward and Consequences
I am committed to quality education for all students. All students deserve the most positive educational climate possible for academic and social growth. I have a set of well-defined classroom rules designed to promote a safe, nurturing classroom environment that is conducive to learning. To create such an environment, I teach, encourage, coach, and reinforce appropriate behavior and good choices when following the classroom rules.
Our classroom rules follow Mountain Shadows’s student Code of Conduct. These four rules are:
Be safe.
Be responsible.
Be respectful.
Be kind.
The following are consequences for not making good choices.
Teacher Warning
Student reflection time
Email/phone call to parents
Office Referral
I also use rewards for good choices. Here are examples of rewards your child has in the classroom.
Praise and encouragement
Happy notes home
Special helper
I encourage you to join me in a cooperative and supportive effort to provide a safe school and classroom environment conducive to learning. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.
I look forward to working with you to make this a productive school year for your child.