Ms. Brenner-- Art
About the Teacher
Hello, I am Ms. Brenner and the new Art Teacher at Mountain Shadows Elementary. I recently graduated from Arizona State University and am very excited to teach all things art!
A personal mission statement: Help children develop their unique skills and discover the interests they have in order to create the future of their dreams. Build relationships and be inspired.
Classroom Expectations
- We follow directions and do our best.
- We raise our hands to share out, ask a question, or leave our seat.
- We respect each other using kind words.
- We keep Mona Lisa quiet and listen while the teacher or speaker is talking.
- We respect the materials provided.
- We use inside voices.
- We stay on task and ready to create
Course Description:
This course is aligned with district and state standards and supports the school wide efforts to increase student achievement. Both 2D art and 3D art will be introduced.
Course Objectives:
By the time your student completes this course of study, the student will know or be able to:
- Know the different elements of Art
- Know the difference in how to create art in 2D and 3D form
- Be able to recognize and share knowledge on different types and styles including art from famous artists
- Feel good about something they created in Art
Classroom Expectations and Consequences:
At ALL TIMES: Respect the teacher, classmates, and classroom materials being used to create art. Listen while others are speaking. Raise your hand. Use classroom materials appropriately. Have supplies ready. Clean up after yourself. Have a positive attitude, focus on big tasks, and begin with the end in mind.
Grading Policies:
Areas to address include:
Points will be given as a grade each week. Grades will be assessed on a combination of students' behavior and use of materials, engagement in in-class assignments, following directions, full participation, progression on art pieces during class as well as final art projects.
Homework policies -95% of the work students do will be done in Art class(I try to avoid HW for art) Canvas will show you what we are working on week by week.
Late work policies -Students will be given due dates and expected to complete them, late work will be accepted but points will be deducted. I will not chase a student down to turn in a missing art piece. It is the students responsibility to turn completed work in on time.
Make Up Work -If a student is absent they are responsible to stay caught up week by week and turn in artwork by its due date.
Plagiarism in art is using some other artist's piece and acknowledging it or taking credit for it as their own. DON’T DO IT. Be unique and create an original piece.
Parent Power Schools Online Access:
Grades and attendance may be accessed 24 hours a day online with your PowerSchool access code. If you do not know your access code, please contact the front office, Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You must provide a picture ID to be issued a code. If you would like a hard copy of your student’s report card, please contact the front office at 602-467-6500.
Parent Canvas Access:
Assignments and an agenda for the week will be posted both on my website and on Canvas every Monday morning. This will help you to be aware of what your student is working on. It will also help your student if s/he is absent, as s/he can access the work from home. If you do not know your access code, please contact the front office, Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You must provide a picture ID to be issued a code.
Chromebook Use/Expectations: Chromebooks in Art Class will be used ONLY AS NEEDED project to project. Please make sure your student comes prepared to art class everyday with a charged chromebook in case we will be using them. When chromebooks are not being used in art class students are to have them put away and out of sight. The art teacher will let the students know during class time if chromebooks will be needed or not each day. Each student is to respectfully use the computer only for what the teacher is requesting the purpose for. Any student misusing its computer privileges will not be able to use the computer resource and points will be deducted for that day in grades.
Recommended Supplies: Students are encouraged/requested to come prepared to art with #2 pencils and erasers at all times. Students are allowed to use their own art materials, for example: colored pencils, markers,ink pens for art class. if they would like but it's not required. Art materials will be provided to use in class. Use of which materials will be used will be based on project to project.
School-Wide Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed to be used on campus, unless explicitly directed by a teacher during the course of instruction. All cell phones are to remain off and put away at all times when on campus. Student use of cell phones or electronic devices will result in confiscation, and the student may pick up the device during dismissal at the end of the day for the first three violations. Upon the fourth violation, parents/guardians are required to pick up the phone from school. Continuous violations for this expectation may result in discipline in accordance with DVUSD standards. Earbuds or Bluetooth music devices may not be used in class or transition periods for any reason unless directed to by a teacher.